We use coPrivacy Center. Pl ease re ad our Cookie Policy to le arn mo re ab out how we use information.
okies to im prove yo ur on line ex perience on our si te. By co ntinuing to use th is si te, you ag ree to the use of co okies in ac cordance wi th ourAt th
is si te, one of our ma in pr iorities is the pr ivacy of our vi sitors. Th is Privacy Po licy do cument co ntains ty pes of in formation that collected and re corded on the si te and how we use it.If you ha
ve ad ditional qu estions or re quire mo re in formation ab out our Privacy Po licy, do not he sitate to co ntact us.This Privacy Po
licy is sp ecifically, for our ac tivities. Ap plies to vi sitors to our we bsite co ncerning the in formation th ey pr ovide or ga ther on the si te. Pl ease no te th at th is po licy do es not co ver any da ta co llected of fline or th rough ch annels be sides th is website.By us
ing our we bsite, you ag ree to our Privacy Po licy and ag ree to its terms.Our we
bsite fo llows a pr actice of ut ilizing log fi les. Th ese re cords tr ack vi sitors ac tivities wh en th ey br owse we bsites. Th is is a pr actice, am ong ho sting co mpanies. Is es sential for ho sting se rvice an alysis. The da ta ga thered th rough log fi les in clude IP ad dresses, br owser ty pes, In ternet Se rvice Pr oviders (I SPs) ti mestamps, re ferring/exit pa ges and po tentially cl ick co unts. Th is da ta is not as sociated wi th any in formation. The pu rpose of co llecting th is in formation is to an alyze pa tterns ma nage the si te ef fectively mo nitor us ers na vigation, on the si te and co llect insights.Under the CC
PA, am ong ot her ri ghts, Ca lifornia co nsumers ha ve the ri ght to:Request th
at a bu siness th at co llects co nsumers' pe rsonal da ta di sclose the ca tegories and sp ecific pi eces of pe rsonal da ta th at the co mpany has co llected ab out consumers.Request th
at a bu siness de lete any pe rsonal da ta it has co llected ab out the consumer.We wo
uld li ke to en sure th at you are fu lly aw are of all yo ur da ta pr otection ri ghts. Ea ch us er has the ri ght to the following:Right of ac
cess - You ha ve the ri ght to re quest co pies of yo ur pe rsonal da ta. We may ch arge you a sm all fee for th is service.You can ask us to fix any in
formation you th ink is wr ong or incomplete.Right to er
asure - You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we er ase yo ur pe rsonal da ta un der ce rtain conditions.Right to re
striction of pr ocessing - You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we re strict the pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal da ta un der ce rtain conditions.Right to ob
ject to pr ocessing - You ha ve the ri ght to ob ject to our pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal da ta un der ce rtain conditions.Right to da
ta po rtability - You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we tr ansfer the da ta we ha ve co llected to an other or ganization or di rectly to yo u, un der ce rtain conditions.If you ma
ke a re quest, we ha ve one mo nth to re spond to yo u. If you wo uld li ke to ex ercise any of th ese ri ghts, pl ease co ntact us.We mi
ght ma ke ch anges, to our Privacy Po licy oc casionally. So we re commend ch ecking th is pa ge for any up dates. Any mo difications wi ll be co mmunicated to you by pu blishing a Privacy Po licy on th is pa ge. Th ese up dates be come va lid so on as th ey are po sted here.If you ha
ve any qu estions or su ggestions ab out our Privacy Po licy, do not he sitate to co ntact us.